Lisa Claussen-Adams

Chief People Officer
Leadership Team

Lisa is the Chief People Officer at INSIGHT2PROFIT, bringing over 25 years of experience playing a key role in establishing organizations within leading investment management and consulting firms. Her extensive global and diverse industry exposure spans more than 200 client and portfolio companies, showcasing a proven ability to build teams and organizations in high-growth, fast-paced environments.

Lisa excels in navigating the dynamics of fast-growing professional services organizations, demonstrating proficiency in areas such as talent acquisition, learning, training and development, performance management, organizational effectiveness, career development, and compensation.

As a trusted partner within executive teams, Lisa is recognized as a go-to change leader who stays attuned to both the organization’s pulse and the market. Her strategic and tactical expertise across all human capital functions equips her to address the most critical challenges arising in the evolving labor market.

Prior to joining INSIGHT, Lisa held the position of Chief Talent Officer at Cornerstone Research. In this role, she and her talent team implemented best practices in organizational development and effectiveness, talent acquisition, and talent development, contributing to the successful scaling up of their client services team.

Lisa earned a B.A. in Political Science and Communications from Boston College.