Elevate Your Buy-Side Due Diligence with Quality of Pricing®

As deal-making activity accelerates in a competitive landscape changed by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more important now than ever that PE firms’ investment decisions be informed by insights into the profit improvement opportunities and risks presented by target companies.
To help PE clients evaluate potential acquisitions in ways no other due diligence tool can, INSIGHT2PROFIT’s Quality of Pricing® assessment brings proprietary technology to data analytics, providing clarity and confidence throughout the transaction process. Conducting a QoP® assessment gives you an unparalleled competitive advantage, as it is designed to:
- Identify EBITDA growth opportunities in days, not weeks
- Maximize the data room to uncover trends in the target’s business that others can’t see
- Define a roadmap for commercial improvement and quantify EBITDA impact scenarios
- Develop hypotheses and supporting analyses quickly to drive productive discussions with management
- Set a course to inform and prioritize opportunities to build momentum for your 100-day plan
Furthermore, INSIGHT’s data engineering capabilities, analytics technology platform, and consulting expertise afford us the ability to identify and isolate COVID-specific dynamics in the company’s performance, giving you a more complete picture of the near- and longer-term prospects and challenges presented, considering such factors as:
A QoP assessment elevates your buy-side due diligence by quickly making sense of vast amounts of data and providing analytical depth your competitors lack. By partnering with INSIGHT, you’ll see the target company more clearly than others and make better-informed investment decisions as a result.